Saturday, January 5, 2019

Beautiful sunshiney day

Today was a great day.  It started out with showers for everyone - yay for getting clean sometimes.  Jason ran off to a meeting, but is still sick so didn't have much on his agenda other than spending time with the couch.
Then my Dad came over and picked up Max for an adventure to the nature center at the park reserve near our house.  Max also went over to Grandpa and Grandma's for a lot of the day afterwards & apparently had a ton of fun playing outside there too.

Eleanor and I got to hang out!  We went to a Christmas gathering with a whole bunch of my friends & had a fantastic time.  Since being a mom I love love LOVE getting out to talk to other adults.  Probably because it does not happen quite as much ha.  There was good food, some gift giving, and even more babies (a 9 month old and a 2 month old - plus a mom of a newborn, but newborn little boy stayed home).  I quick made up a bean dip to bring with tortilla chips.  After that, we went to Aldi for some groceries.  We even got in a quick walk down the block because it was like 40 degrees out today.  I look like I need more coffee here.

Max came back around 5:30 or so and my parents stayed to play for a little longer while I got some extra cleaning/laundry things done.

We ended the evening with dual bedtimes (Eleanor tends to go to sleep first) so we all got to read books together on Max's bed.

Happy Saturday!  Time for me to go to bed now.

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