Monday, December 3, 2018

New appliances and How to move a treadmill

Hey I went MIA for a bit post-move!  We did not have internet for quite some time.  I purchased this washer and dryer on Black Friday and my dad helped us get them all hooked up - they are officially in business!  Cloth diapers can be cleaned in our home once again.  And apparently it is an excellent spot to store our 'car' and our 'choo choo'.

My dad also cut a few holes in one of the boxes to create a clever little playhouse for Max.  I seem to recall having one of these when I was little...

This past weekend my brothers came over to help us get the treadmill to it's home in our extra room downstairs.
Here is the furthest Jason and I could get it by ourselves...we just tried picking it up from the garage and moving it slowly.  Total fail - I also probably don't have quite enough arm strength as would be ideal for moving something so enormous!  We gave up and it lived in our entryway for a few days.

My brothers & Jason moved it back outside to go around the house & through our patio door downstairs.  They chose that route since the width of the treadmill makes it so that you have to twist it to go through any door; meaning the stairway down makes things a bit tricky.
They had a couple of moving straps (these kind) on it for extra support - and two guys at the motor-end of the treadmill & one at the other end.  They did still need to twist it through doorways, and that was a tough part because the straps also shift when you do that.  Then we laid out a bunch of giant cardboard boxes over the carpet so they could bring it inside from the snow without getting the carpet full of snow or dirty.
I also had the treadmill mat laid out & ready for them to place it as soon as they got it through that final room door.  And here is it's new home!

Now I can run indoors again!  I am still working through the best way to keep Max safely entertained if he gets up early while I run.

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