Thursday, November 15, 2018

Beginning the Chaos of Change = Our NEW Home is Ready

Oh hello change, I have NOT missed you.  I won't pretend that I enjoy change.  I guess I don't hate it, but it's hard.  Things get uncomfortable because of the unknowns involved, and now that kids are involved, they have a tough time adjusting too.  In this case, the changes should be way more exciting than difficult - but at least for me, no change comes without it's challenges.  Jason claims he likes change; however he seems to strongly dislike when there is a high degree of uncertainty involved.  Why am I speaking of change?  Well we closed on house number TWO yesterday!!  Super exciting about our new home being ready!  The sad news is that we are leaving our current home, neighborhood (we have some super awesome neighbors), church, DAYCARE, and our normal routine for the kids thus far.

Sad news aside, here is a picture my dad snapped a few weeks ago (pre-snow) of our nearly finished home.  Both kids will have their own room (current home we just didn't convert the office), the bedrooms are all nearby (we are hoping this helps Max sleep better), a fabulous open kitchen-living area, and Jason still has his own movie space downstairs.  It's not significantly bigger than our current home, though we think it will be laid out better for what we currently need.

Eleanor and I had a BUSY day yesterday - we got gas, stopped by my parents super quick, went over to the new daycare for a bit, stopped by the bank, went back to my parents for a diaper change/snack, then over to the new house, then back to my parents one more time (diaper/snack) before heading down to Bloomington for the closing.  What a trooper Eleanor!  She actually did fantastic until we had someone else hold her during the closing meeting.  She was ready to be done and go home.

Next up - moving!  A few pieces to that process:
1. We already got a TON of things out & they currently live in a storage facility near our new home.  This was so that we could make our house look more desirable to buyers.
2. Start packing up the kitchen, what's left downstairs, and things in my & Max's closets.
3. Thurs/Fri - my brother's going to help Jason move some of the bigger furniture items.
4. Saturday - big move day!  We will need to pack what's left and get it all up to the new house.

We played with the choo-choo train downstairs with Max after supper (tofu-mushroom stir fry and rice).

Then we had some family chill time before bed.

I am hoping to go for a quick run tonight again - which means I need running clothes on when I pickup Max & dinner pre-prepped at home.  I've got to get this consistency back in my day before work enters the picture again.  Next up: work on getting the kiddos on a good schedule where they are both asleep at 4/4:30 am so I can run then (Jason is home).  I think we're close - but when we move, that could change.  And then maybe I should get to bed regularly a little earlier too..

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