Monday, December 10, 2018

Eleanor leaves the nest: daycare Day 1

So my sweet girl went to daycare today for the first time.  I am sad our time together has come to a close, but I know she will learn so much at daycare & will enjoy being around new friends and babies.  I actually have two days left of maternity leave, so I am not leaving her there all day.  I knew she would have a learning curve with using bottles for really the first time she's *needed* to so I thought a couple half days would be helpful.  Plus then my goal was to get a TON done around here to prepare for going back to work.

About that getting a TON done...first I had to drop her off this morning because we all woke up late and Jason was not going to stick around to chat with them about her first day when he needed to get to work.  Then I did a big Target run, then came home for about an hour, pumped, & then had to go BACK out again because Jason signed me up for an errand.  Then, I came back home after that, to quick make a few muffins for Max daycare food..  and now I am typing this, only to leave in another 10 minutes to go back to get Eleanor.  After that, I'll run off to Fleet Farm to pick up some sand for our sidewalk (because I believe in sand over salt), come home for maybe another hour of taking care of Eleanor, and then I am off to get Max!  Yikes I guess I got a few things done, but certainly not much of what I intended.  Typical.:)

Here are my pretty muffins.. blueberry muffin base, plus applesauce and spinach and flax, topped with some pretty raw sugar.  I intend to use them as lunch muffins since Max has been very tempted to eat his friends' lunches lately.

Tomorrow I might just wake up ridiculously early.  I only slept in late today because my phone fell out of my pocket in Eleanor's room & then I went back to Max's room to get him to sleep at 2 or whatever o'clock in the morning.  However I also stay up late to pack lunches and bottles and get bags together.  I think I am going to experiment with sleep amounts: balancing adequacy of sleep with adequacy of time to get everything accomplished in my limited 24 hour days.  *I almost typed 40 hour days - that's either a slip based on how much I have to do, or an indication of how much sleep I did not get last night.  For this week, I am thinking a bedtime of 11ish, and a wake time of 4:15/4:30ish sounds great.  Unless Max gets up early, which would mean I will try to get him back to sleep until 5 so he gets some rest.  I will report back whether that was actually a success!!!  Wish me luck.

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