Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Special after-school adventure

I thought I would display my beverage selections for the morning. :)  Yep, still on that caffeine.  But this week is primarily decaf - not even half-caf - 3 parts decaf: 1 part regular.  Plus some good old fashioned water.

We also did something super special today - the kids (Max mainly) have been asking for us to bike to their school some day.  Well we finally did.  It's not all that far away, but just requires the coordination of leaving work at a specific time & also making sure to pick a day where the kids do not have a ton of stuff (Fridays...).

Jason gets to do the hard work.  I have a hard time keeping up with him normally, so this evens the playing field quite nicely.  60 lbs of kids or so..   10 miles there, about 7 on the way back (my Garmin died) because we went a different way that was apparently quicker.

The kids get plenty hot in the trailer too, so they came inside pretty quickly to cool down and play.  Today's activity: fire fighters cruising in "boats"!

And finally, my evening run after bedtime.  I checked out a new area of my city that I have been trying to figure out how to get to without crossing this busy road.  I found a good crosswalk spot, so even though I did cross it, I felt a bit safer.  It's an area that has some fun windy roads in neighborhoods, so it could be a great wintertime run!

I also found a spot to recycle the pots from the plants you get at nurseries [to bring home] and made a mental note to return with our stack of plastic pots!

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