Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Not always just a cold...

 There's never a great moment to get sick, and I completely randomly got sick this week.  Monday started out entirely normal - swimming lessons + a rainbow sighting on the way home.

Then I have zero pictures until Thursday night because on Tuesday afternoon, around the end of the workday, I started to get a runny nose.  I thought it was really weird because I had felt 100% healthy up until that point.  Usually with a cold you at least feel tired first.  This came out of nowhere.  On the way home, all through soccer, and up through suppertime I was convinced I must just have inhaled something that irritated my nose.   

Around bedtime I was thinking maybe it WAS a cold, resulting from my chaotic Monday launching a new website.  After the kids fell asleep I got fully congested and then started to feel pretty tired myself.  I had a client meeting the next day so figured I should do a quick covid test.  It was negative - ok so just a cold...

Tuesday morning- I woke up feeling terrible, so told work I felt like I was pretty sick so should stay home.  Wore a mask to get the kids ready for school & sent them on their way..   throughout the morning I felt worse and started getting chills and body aches.   After plenty of denial, I finally tested again and - POSITIVE for covid.  Dang.  Called the kids and Jason home, told work, etc, etc, etc.

Wednesday & Thursday - I slept a LOT both afternoons after work, and slept through til I had to login to work at 7am.  That sleep helped, but felt exhausted and sickish.  I managed to work with 2ish brief naps during the day.  Those naps were magic energy boosters.  Jason had to handle the kids alllll day long, which is not his forte.  I helped more on Thursday, even though I probably shouldn't have - it's so hard to stay away from them!  "Mommy, I need a hug" is not easy to say "nope" to...

This is how the kids were sleeping - we had them in the living room, because they didn't want to be on a different floor than where my quarantine space was..

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